Magadino The Chemist

“I didn’t feel devastated, I felt the urge to be devastated”

To exist is to witness the darkest, most morose actions and thoughts humanity has to offer. Anyone with access to the news or the internet can find the worst aspects of humanity on display all day, everyday. What is it about the morose and the dark that attracts the attention of society as a collective? What causes us to want to read and consume such horrifying news daily? The light and the darkness in balance creates a whole picture of our pitfalls and our triumphs. When we know where we can descend to, we can imagine how powerful our ascension can be as well.

Magadino the Chemist creates music that explores the dark, the morose, the conflicted parts of humanity, it indulges in this part of the human psyche and it creates art that is poignant and powerful and reminds us all that we too, are human. If you can read the news, if you can scroll through the tribulations of humanity, you can hear the art that creates something worthwhile and powerful from Magadino. This music is a reminder of all things true and real, and a honest interpretation and expression of hip hop. Catch the latest album “Sleepy Hollow II-Return of the Headhunter” from the artist here and on all streaming platforms!