
“When you're bold, some people will think you're crazy but it's more insane to be timid”

People generally don’t try to innovate or be the first to do something. They generally create from the heart and the heart and soul is as unique as one can imagine. The infinite variations that create an individual are perfectly trailblazing when art is expressed in this manner. In any creative outlet you’ll find people intentionally trying to be different, do more, or create out of a business sense. This can easily be spotted by true fans of art, they recognize the works on their merit but also recognize that the angle is false, the trying to be unique shining like a glimmering ray of sunlight, blinding everyone with its brazen attempt to quality as genuine. The genuine and original works of art in the world cannot be duplicated but often this is attempted. For an artist to truly set themselves apart, they have to create from a place of love, not a place of need, or greed.

An artist collective such as The Inspired Ones is the focus of this concept, this meditation on art and creativity. T.I.O is a controversial group out of Albuquerque, NM. They happen to be involved in creative projects such as The Southwest Sixteen, being a constant at Aeros Independent Studios and generally pissing off the world of social media with some of the highest quality trolling you have ever seen!

To be different is not the easiest path to fame, but at times it is the most rewarding. No one can claim to be anything like T.I.O., their marketing, their angle, their music, their personality is all completely set apart from the crowd and because of that they can be vilified but also praised as one of the most original artists in the state of New Mexico. They have an extensive catalog while others struggle to define themselves, they have recordings by the boatload and they don’t slow down. They have been a key figure in the hip hop scene and as they rise to new levels of notoriety it is important to take note that their personality isn’t going to change and they are NOT going away any time soon! Check out their latest single Trailblazing on all major streaming platforms!