Mazerati Vinci

I think a number of leaders, whether you like it or not, in the hip hop generation. And when they understand enough, they’ll do wonders. I count on them.

Now is the most historic time of multiple generations. This era, this moment is going to be examined, investigated, and talked about for decades. For the cities of the world to suddenly empty, to see the global markets bow to a virus and the governments of the world struggle to concentrate power as people realize how important the daily blue collar work is. Some will experience their first struggle, others will recognize the struggle and know just how to move. Some are born of chaos and those who have seen obstacles their whole life will see this as a passing moment of temporary inconvenience, they survive and continue to rise above.

Artists know the struggle all to well. We are pushed into boxes we don’t belong in, are told to do things we are unwilling to do, criticized for the lifestyles they live, subjected to living off of their art, literally. Being expressive has its costs, being a creator has its drawbacks, but it’s solid rooting in adversity makes artists the strongest people to weather any storm. With a virus and global pandemic artists will dust the dirt from their shoulders and continue to be great.

Mazerati Vinci is just that artist. He makes music out of his personal experience and his history. His lyrics tell a tale of truth and genuine life experience. His story is one of survival and success. Watch as nothing will stand in the way of Mazerati Vinci reaching his goals. Check out his latest EP titled Big Dawg Status. Like, share, stream and comment!