A Worthwhile Waste Of Time

“It’s bad enough wasting time without killing it”

Music is a deeply personal experience that happens to draw from an individuals catalog of memories, musical events they experienced, and how those melodies, lyrics and beats relate to the events in their lives at that time. This is why being a music snob is a strange badge of honor. Some will wear this badge and truly feel that their personal experiences are somehow superior to others experiences. In reality the truth of the matter is the truth is subjective and what may be a waste of time to some may be entirely a worthwhile waste of time.

This album by Jeffrey Misfit is another piece of the puzzle that creates this amazing fabric of art centered in New Mexico and grows from there with branches reaching out with Vagabond Mafia with RoachKxng and moving through regional experiences that all resonate in a way that make me happy when I listen to it. This album is what I want to hear from Misfit and its unapologetically art, enough said.

The album may speak to others on a different level but to me it feels like a genre bending psychedelic experience that is heavy on the mental health tip with an exploration of nostalgia that may or may have never been there or simply imagined as well as sadness and a longing for connection through something greater than what the planet and social environment has to offer. It feels like therapy and it feels like music that needs to be heard but again maybe to each their own and because music is highly personal, maybe I am projecting and maybe it is all a Worthwhile Waste of Time.

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