Hard A.F.

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all love of what you are doing or learning to do”

Being successful is not achieved easily. It is not some magical landing space where suddenly everything is easy. It is the adaptation to adversity, the push through the difficult times, the structure and organization to be able to achieve difficult things and eventually be in a space where all of the skills, resources and adaptations have allowed you to cruise through things that may have presented themselves as difficult before but now appear effortless. This is achieved by those who are not afraid of the challenge and the difficulty. This level is for those who work hard af.

JoeSpeaks of Mxna Lxsa Gang has always had a work ethic that is second to none and this video demonstrates the skills and talent he has that allows him to make what he does look effortless. This is a testament to what determination and love for the craft can do for an artist. Check out the latest video from the man featuring Gator Lavey below and as always click like, share, subscribe and support good art!