I'm Still Here

“It is important for all of us to appreciate where we come from and how that history has really shaped us in ways that we might not understand.”

This is the music of the southwest and the music of Joey Solano, a New Mexican artist in the hip hop scene with his unique sound, and cultural influence.

Joey Solano, a name that reverberates with creativity has become synonymous with the evolution of hip hop in New Mexico. Through his artistry, Solano not only crafts music but also weaves the vibrant tapestry of New Mexican culture into the broader hip hop narrative.

Joey Solano's music is a blend of genuine lyrics and innovative beats, which captures the essence of New Mexico's heritage. His tracks are more than just songs; they are stories told through rhythm and rhyme, reflecting hopes, struggles, and dreams of a community. Solano's ability to fuse traditional hip hop elements with local cultural motifs creates a sound that is both universal and personal.

One of Solano's most notable contributions to the music scene is his commitment to infusing New Mexican culture into his music. By doing so, he not only pays homage to his roots but also presents to the world the rich culture of New Mexico. Solano's music acts as a bridge, connecting disparate worlds through the universal language of hip hop. His work proves that hip hop can be a powerful medium for cultural expression and preservation.

Joey Solano's vision for New Mexico's hip hop scene is one of growth, and continued innovation. He sees potential for the genre to further integrate with New Mexican culture, popularizing a unique musical genre that resonates outside the state but captures the region. Solano's ongoing projects and collaborations aim to push the culture further, ensuring that it remains a dynamic and evolving form of cultural expression.

Solano has established himself as an important figure of New Mexican hip hop. His work not only elevates the genre but also enriches the cultural dialogue within New Mexico and beyond. As Joey Solano continues to inspire with his innovative sound and reflection of his community, his legacy echoes through the beats of New Mexico, shaping the culture of hip hop.

Check out I’m Still here, his latest video produced by Misfit Soto and released on the Hood Famouz channel.