
Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.”

There is an art not caring what critics and others will say, do or think. It takes skill to move throughout life without letting others affect your growth, path and success. Sometimes it’s best to focus on what you intend to achieve and throw a “Whatever” to the wind and to those who are watching to see if you stumble.

Whatever is the word, the track and it might as well be the movement. The track being spoke of is by Rahney of Southwest Hip Hop fame. This artist has made a name for himself in the battle rap community with his blasé devil may care attitude, and his bars that viciously broke down his opponents. His name is synonymous with hip hop culture in New Mexico and his artistry has been highlighted in recent years. His penchant for stylistic word play and signature attitude play perfectly to the title of this track “Whatever”. The video is is everything the track deserves and features Rahney doing what he does best. Making music, making art and saying “Whatever” to his detractors.

Watch the full video on all his socials and here!

Check out the latest track by Rahney featuring The Krown!