We Are Still Here

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you’ve grown tired of hard work already done”

This music video is a masterful work of cinematic beauty. The filmography and angles coupled with the music, acting and directing deliver an incredible hard hitting scathing indictment of what First Nations people have and continue to experience at the hands of colonizers.

The word colonizer evokes images and thoughts of yesteryear and a bygone era of incredible violence and harm to our people and our culture. What little know outside the insulated community of First Nations people is that this irreparable harm is still perpetuated to this day. There are still those who would rather we adopt their cultural rites and traditions to better soothe their comfort levels.

This video is striking and needed as the art, music, lyrics and message is reminding the world we are still here. We have never given up and will never relegate our futures to those who wish us away.

Point Dank Productions is a familiar company that works extensively in the area filming music videos, battle rap with Universal Battle Realm and any number of beautifully done videography/photography jobs! The video work here is exceptional, with great angles, lighting, and direction. The vision between videographer and artist is wonderfully paired.

Phrase with his biting lyrics and reminder of a culture that cannot be erased strikes the listener/viewer with such powerful imagery and words that you cannot help but be drawn in to the message and the power behind it. The feature from Autumn Everland works so perfectly with the juxtaposition of heavy heart filled lyrics and beautiful harmony and Phrase’s unapologetic lyrics. This video is by far the most powerful video I have witnessed this year and a very strong reminder that We Are Still Here! Watch, share and comment your support on the video!