
“The desert is the theater of the human struggle searching for God”

It is said that being true, real and genuine will not earn you the most friends, but that a path of righteousness will always earn you the friends and support that you need. In the music industry artists are all searching for real fans and support and that comes with time, work, honesty and expansive marketing. The struggle to move beyond the hometown into the minds of the general population is something that all artists will work through. The originality and drive of the artist is needed to find the larger audience. Success breeds complacency, and complacency breeds failure, only the hungry survive.

The latest single from QWST is a prime example of the drive that is needed to create waves in the industry. The single is titled “Grubby Fingers”. The production is solid with heavy bass, some southwest hip hop elements in the beat, the flow over the beat is perfect, the cadence and the range of the vocal inflection creates an energy that keeps the listeners attention. The replay value is high with a solid, catchy track that speaks truth and has depth in its message. This track is indicative of the type of quality you can expect from him and his circle. His entire available catalog are standout tracks. His range in style is exhibited on tracks such as “In Due Time”, which has an ethereal and melodic vibe to it, “Henry J” is a hard hitting introspective track dealing with the difficulties of the path of the artist in the struggle, and “Searching” with Gilly Soul is a deep track about finding self. You can find his music below by clicking his name to take you to your preferred platform to find music!

Find him on all streaming platforms, click the name QWST.