
“When Nothing Is Sure, Everything Is Possible”

It’s common for people to experience adversity but very few come out of adversity with determination. Some let adversity break them, financially, physically and mentally. Some transcend that mindset and scenario to actual use a vision they have of themself. When a person uses their pain as fuel for their art they tend to present it with incredible accuracy. Someone in the hip hop genre will likely want to create visceral images and evoke strong emotions from their fanbase.

Gu$to is that guy. He’s got an eclectic style that is influenced by wordsmiths and street poets. His presentation is solid, cadence is on point and his lyrical content/narrative is told well. There is a difference between rapping well and telling a story well while rapping well. Gu$to° does both. His style is as unique as his name is. With a close eye to vocal variations and cadence work he creates a rhythmic sound with his rapping, not just a rapper reciting words off of a phone but someone you could actually hear the meaning and energy behind the lyrics. Some standout tracks are The Plan, First in Last Out, and Woke. The entire project is a good execution of a concept album and has a nice replay value.

His latest project is “The Power Struggle” EP. You can find the entire project on Soundcloud and selected tracks on all major platforms soon!

Find Gu$to° on his social media on the links below and keep up with him as he brings a new variety of hip hop to the city of Albuquerque.

Gu$to° Facebook

Gu$to° Instagram

Gu$to Twitter