The Opposite of Energy

“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their mind to be good or evil”

Music is an ever changing art form that is growing uncontrollably. Its rapid and sudden leaps would shock even Darwin. The unpredictable path of where music and more specifically hip hop is heading is something none of us could have guessed. As hip hop evolves it melds and bends and breaks into new forms. New adaptations are created out of its sub-genres. Hip hop was intended to break the rules and now that it does so on an unprecedented level there are large portions of the culture that are resistant to the change. Change is not just important to life but it is life itself.

If you were to capture the sound of a disaffected generation and put it into a sub-genre to make old heads more comfortable and it would be SHYWILL. New art is always critiqued, misunderstood, imitated, then appreciated and then made popular until the next wave arrives. SHYWILL is that wave, he is the new school in a state obsessed of a by-gone era. The golden era of hip hop is supposed to have existed in the 90’s and the 2000’s brought a lot of uncomfortable change for those comfortable with that style of music, the 2010’s were a continuation of that trend and now the change is here, it isn’t going away and no matter how blogs and sites try to relegate it to a passing trend of new style of hip hop, it is what is hip hop. It is new, it is experimental, it is art.

SHYWILL’s album The Opposite of Energy is a collection of loose thoughts and careful meditations on the life of a young artist. You could say it is influenced by the artists flooding the gates of hip hop currently but in all honestly this era is creating music being influenced by thoughts, electronic synth sounds, and their own opinions of what music/hip hop is. SHYWILL owns this entire project and it cannot be said that he is riding any wave. It is almost instinct to label it in one of the newest sub-genres of hip hop but instead, we would rather present it to you and invite you to listen to why it is something all its own and cannot be boxed in so simply.