Lytes On

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do!” Pele

Work ethics are hard to come by in a society that’s found itself delicate. A hard worker in a different generation might have been a person who goes to a manual labor job and works without breaks and at a pace that’s unfathomable. Today it’s about hustle, it’s about being a jack of all trades. It’s about going to work and then getting off work to go right back to work again, and then in between work and work, innovation, learning, studying, improving in all aspects. Today that’s hard work, a millionaire mindset and the discipline to match.

Thats what Lytes Edison is, Lytes On is no mistake of phrasing. This guy is working at building his own empire. He has an battle rap resume that is impressive and makes music as well. Each aspect being equally weighted. This guy is ambitious.

You can catch him ascending the ranks of battle rap, networking, making music, making moves literally to achieve new levels of success. Catch Lytes here with his latest track.